Guiding Principles


The Department of Environment (DoE) is moving from a division within the government to a department which has a certain amount of autonomy from central government. The vision of the DoE is to move towards an operational modality of a private sector advisory and project and program implementation entity. The Strategic Management Plan therefore outlines the path for this growth, while demonstrating the programs and projects that will add value to the environmental landscape of Antigua and Barbuda.

The Code of Ethics lays out the values and expected behaviours that will guide Department of Environment employees and contractors in their daily work. These guidelines are essential in how we work together to ensure the public’s trust in the integrity of the services we provide. The values outlined in the present code are consistent with relevant legislation, and Government policies and is available for download below. 

Antigua and Barbuda is signatory to a number of Multilateral Environment instruments and environment conventions.

General Mandate of the DoE

The Environmental Protection and Management Act (EPMA) 2015 provided the DoE with the legal mandate to:

• Function as a department of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, with rules and regulations for the management of government resources entrusted to the DoE.

• Maintain an up-to-date national environmental policy, which includes plans and strategies for the management of climate change, pollution, water quality, air quality, watersheds and wetlands, biodiversity and traditional knowledge, protected areas, beach and coastal protection. The national policy will be used to guide interventions in the management of natural resources, physical planning and development financial strategies to sustain environmental management, as well as programming priorities for the SIRF Fund.

• Engage the public in national environmental awareness. This is to include the introduction of environmental education into the school curriculum and interventions to raise the level of awareness on environmental matters through regular media programming

• Develop and implement projects related to the rehabilitation and protection of the environment.

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• Identify and coordinate the implementation of Antigua and Barbuda commitments to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). This will include coordinating the implementation of recommendations from the National Coordinating Mechanism (NCM).

• Develop and enforce regulations in all areas of environmental management.

• Design and implement a program to protect and enhance the beaches and coastal zones.

• Provide advice to the general public and other government agencies on environmental issues, and manage the environmental complaints procedure.

• To coordinate the process of conducting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for all applicable developments. In addition, to request operational impact assessments for existing businesses.

• Produce a State of the Environment Report every two years, to include a comprehensive natural resource map. This report should give comprehensive information on the health of the environment including impacts upon human health, i.e. water and air pollution, and pollutants/chemicals in food. The natural resources map, which will accompany the report, will identify major areas of importance to the health of the environment such as watersheds, coral reefs, mangroves, forests and protected areas.

• Develop, implement and report on any other activity as directed by the cabinet, minister or permanent secretary.

• Staff career development and training.

• With the passage of the Environmental Protection and Management Act (EPMA) 2015, the Director of the DoE is also the Chief Forestry Officer. Further the EPMA 2015 repealed sections of the Physical Planning Act (PPA) 2003, such that the DoE now manages the Environmental Impact Assessment process, and any area declared protected under that PPA 2003 will be managed by the DoE.

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DoE Code of Ethics

Small Grants Programme

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Revolving Loan Programme

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#1 Victoria Park Botanical Gardens 
Factory Road
 St. John’s, Antigua, W.I.

Telephone: 268 462 4625

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